Your Local Heroes
West Mason Fire is an all-volunteer district. Volunteers are required to complete and maintain the same level of training and certification as their paid counterparts, in a setting that is designed for volunteers who work outside of emergency services.
Volunteer responders may reside within the district or out of the area, responding to a station from home, or responding directly from a station as part of a residence or stipend shift program.
In addition to volunteering, some paid opportunities are available, especially throughout the summer for Wildland Firefighting and Emergency Medical Services.
No previous training or experience is necessary to become a volunteer. West Mason Fire sponsors training and certification to eligible candidates for structural and wildland firefighting, emergency medical response, technical rescue, and a variety of other valuable skills.
If you would like to join the team, contact us today.

The Leadership Team

Mathew Welander
Fire Chief

Greg Seals
Deputy Chief