Announcement from Mason County All Hazard News 1/29/2020:
Mason County Emergency Management wishes to remind the upper Skokomish Valley residents that the evacuation route using Green Diamond 800 Road is not available and will remain closed due to landslide damage. We suggest sheltering in place or remain vigilant to the river levels and leave the area prior to the closing of the Skokomish Valley Road. Emergency services personnel WILL have access to the upper valley area.
Please use the following website to keep up on the Skokomish River water levels:
If you have not already signed up for Mason County's emergency alerting system (AlertSense), you can at:
If you are active on Facebook, Mason County All Hazard News is a centralized page to receive updates on hazardous conditions throughout the county.
West Mason Fire cares about your safety. Please remember to not drive through flooded roadways or past "road closure" signs. Stay safe and dry!
