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News & Updates: Blog2
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At West Mason Fire, we have a deep appreciation for

our volunteers and the sacrifices they make to serve our community. We strive to provide an environment that supports their desire to volunteer while balancing other work and family commitments. First responder health and wellness is a high priority, because without responders, we can’t help our neighbors in their times of need. One key component to a first responder health and wellness program is preventing burnout and fatigue, especially among volunteers who are juggling volunteer time with other family and career commitments outside the fire district.

This is where the EMS Levy comes in.

A permanent EMS Levy of $0.50/$1000 of assessed valuation will provide West Mason Fire with funding necessary to hire regular paid staff, trained and certified in emergency medical response.

We are living in an era where the training and time requirements of volunteer firefighters and emergency medical technicians has never been greater, and keeping up with the day-to-day responsibilities such as scheduled maintenance, cleaning, and lawn care can be overly burdensome to the dedicated responders who are trying to balance it all while also fulfilling their home and work responsibilities.

We have been successful in recruitment and retention of dedicated, trained volunteers despite a nationwide decrease of fire service volunteers, but it isn’t enough. The next step in the puzzle of preserving the tradition of volunteerism while moving into a sustainable future is to transition to a combination paid/volunteer staffing model. This may sound counterintuitive to preserving the tradition of volunteerism, but paid staff are able to take on the day-to-day responsibilities and provide additional consistency in leadership and oversight to the volunteers while bolstering response capability and increasing opportunities for generating non-tax-based revenue. This shared load of burden allows the volunteers to dedicate their time to training and response – and then return home to their families and friends when the job is done.

To learn more about why the EMS Levy is important to the future of the district, visit, call Chief Welander or any of the Fire Commissioners at (360) 426-7343, join us for Open Office Hours this coming Saturday, July 25th or join us tonight at 6 p.m. for our regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners. Event and meeting information can be found here:

We look forward to hearing from you!


Residents of West Mason Fire will be receiving a newsletter in the upcoming weeks with some updates of how we've grown in the past 5 years, what happened at Station 16-2, and what's on the August ballot.

Also, join us for Open Office Hours, either in person or via Zoom from 11 am to 2 pm at:

Station 16-2 (Shelton Valley Road) -- Saturday 7/18/2020

Station 9-1 (Skokomish Valley Road) -- Saturday 7/25/2020

Learn more about event details here:

Learn more about the upcoming ballot measure here:

Uploading the images of the newsletter distorted some of the text. My sincerest apologies if it is difficult to read on this platform. A slightly sharper version is available on our On the Ballot page, linked above. It will be in the mail next week, and in your mailbox soon!


Please join us for one or all of a series of open office hours! We will have staff available to answer questions and discuss fire district matters, the upcoming ballot measure, ways to get involved, and anything else we can help you with.

Stop by the designated station any time between 11 am and 2 pm for live, socially distanced interactions. Masks will be required for all staff, volunteers, and visitors.

Unable to or not ready to visit us live? We will be available via Zoom through your phone or computer during the same times.

Events are posted on the home page of our website:

Office Hours Schedule:

Saturday, July 11th - West Mason Fire Station 16-1, located on Dayton Airport Road

Saturday, July 18th - West Mason Fire Station 16-2, located on Shelton Valley Road

Saturday, July 25th - West Mason Fire Station 9-1, located on Skokomish Valley Road

A 4th event may be added Saturday, August 1st at West Mason Fire Station 9-2 if there is enough interest.

Your voice matters and we are here for you - let us know how we are doing, what we are doing great, and what we could do better. We look forward to hearing from you!



4650 W Dayton Airport Rd
PO BOX 2436
Shelton, WA 98584, USA

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(360) 426-7343

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